Friday, February 18, 2011


I didn't get much of anything done today.  Some days are just like that and that's okay.  I had lunch with my friend Sue at Cafe Muse in Royal Oak -- yummo!  That was the highlight of the day.  No knitting, no sewing, just killing time on the internet.  I'm off in a couple of minutes to play cards with Sue, her husband, and their friends.  Can't be out too late -- tomorrow is the Spinners Flock Fleece Fair -- woohoo!!  If you live within 100 miles of Chelsea, you HAVE to go!!  I'll have a lot to share tomorrow.


  1. So, when do you start back to work?

  2. Hi Allison -- Only one more week of 'vacation' left. I start back on 3/1. It will be odd going back into the office, but I'm sure I'll get over it quick.

  3. Good luck! And enjoy your last week of "freedom"!


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