Monday, February 7, 2011

Good thing it's attached

I had another busy day today -- got the wiper motor replaced in the Montana -- I can see clearly again!  Finished knitting the Infinity Scarf while I waited the three hours at the repair shop.  I'll post pictures later.  Received my 'fist full of thread' prize in the mail today -- pictures coming later.  Went to my Mom's and felted two hats and a bag, then took her to Five Guys for burgers and fries.  She had never heard of them before and really enjoyed her meal.  Scooted over to Panera's to knit with Harriet when an odd thing happened -- the power went out.  We didn't miss a stitch, kept right on knitting until the power came back on a few minutes later.

I'm sitting thinking about what to write when all of a sudden, $#*!, I forgot the still-wet felted things in the car and it's going down to 5º tonight!  Gotta run.....

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