Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bare Necessities

Today for lunch I made myself a peanut butter & jam sandwich.  I can't even tell you the last time I had one but when I was at the grocery store last week I had to buy their honey roasted peanut butter and a jar of Smucker's Raspberry Jam.

It was soooooo good.  I'll have to make myself another one tomorrow!  I love the mixture of sweet peanut butter with tart jam -- it really it the spot.  When I was a kid I had more PB & J sandwiches than I can recall but today's was especially mmm, mmm good.

I finished knitting a chemo hat for a friend of my niece.  A bare necessity in the truest form:
I used a yarn from Universal Yarn called 'Cotton Supreme Batik'.  The pattern came from the Knit Michigan website.  It had a wacky decrease to give it the scalloped edge but once I did it, it looked pretty nice.  I have one more hat to knit with this yarn in a different colorway.

I blocked the Imagine sweater pieces today and got the shoulder seams done.  Now I have to pick up around the neck edge.  I should be able to get that done tonight.  Tomorrow I'll sew in the sleeves and finish the seaming.  I'll be glad to get this sweater done.  I only started it 2 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Hat looks great!

    Always wonderful to finish a project that's taken so long. I have my "ten" year sweater. LOL.


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