Monday, February 28, 2011

2nd Blogoversary Giveaway!!

Welcome to my 2nd Blogoversary Giveaway!!  Woohoo!  I'm fairly certain when I began to write about my crafts and my life on 2/28/09 that I fully expected to abandon it before too long and stop writing.  This always happened when I was a kid and I got a new diary.  But this experience has been very different.  People I don't know stop by and visit, if only for a minute or to click on the links for other blogs or websites.  Friends and family let me know they follow my blog and enjoy my posts.  Thanks so much!!!

To thank everyone for their readership, however long you've been reading, I'm having a giveaway today.  But you already knew that, right?!

Here are the items I'm giving away to the three lucky readers who will be selected by  The winners will receive either a skein of Scheepjes Invicta Coloris wool/nylon sock yarn from Holland, a cute knitting needle roll pattern from Sue Spargo, or a collection of 26 5" Batik charm squares.

The contest ends at 9 pm EST on 3/4/11.  The rules are too darn simple:

  • Leave a comment saying what you like MOST about Winter!  Be sure to include your email address so I can contact you on Friday night.
The last time I had a giveaway one of the winners did not leave an email so I had to give her prize to someone else -- you don't want that happening to you, do you???

Honestly, thanks so much for stopping by and reading.  It's good to know someone can relate to all that's been going on in my life for the past two years.


  1. Samantha knitting needle roll? LOL! Maybe I need that! What do I like about winter? That it's almost over? Seriously, I like that I can stay in and get some sewing done!

  2. That I get to stay inside now, no matter how bad it gets!

    Kim W.

  3. ...that it makes me want to make soups and stews, my favorite things to cook and have leftovers! Along with some cornbread, it's a winner in Winter! Congrats on two years!

  4. Knitting in front of the fire, while my OH reads, occasionally chatting. So peaceful and cozy.

  5. happy first day back to work! xxx--t

  6. I'm with Joyce--what I most like about winter is that it's almost over. Not a fan. But when it's cold & dark, there is the fire, cooking good stuff to eat & excused time to sit & knit or read. Congrats on your blogoversary!

  7. Congrats on 2 years! Who'd of thunk?

    I love wearing all my warm handknits in the winter.

  8. I like being able to wear all the hats and scarves I make!

    And congratulations on the 2nd blogiversary!

  9. Congratulations!!
    What I love most about winter is not having to mow the lawn :)
    I'd love to enter your wonderful giveaway - Thanks!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  10. I love wearing my creations in the cold weather.

  11. My favorite part of winter is when we get a snow day (I'm a teacher) and I can spend the entire day knitting completely guilt free! It's like a no chore surprise free day for me!!

  12. I would say,what I like most about winter,is that I get to wear my fingerless gloves more often. I know that may sound weird,but oh well.

  13. Well, I would be nuts to live in Alaska and not like something about winter.. Hmmm maybe I am nuts! LOL Anyway, I love to curl up in my favorite chair and knit away! Then I wear all my habdknits to work and stay cozy warm. Debbie

  14. I love a nice wood fire, good food, wine, and yarn (not necessarily in that order) that all go so well with the cold weather.

  15. Happy blogiversary! My favorite part of winter is snow and that I get to wear lots of handknits.

  16. Although it's not always fun, I love to see ice covering everything after a storm. It's so beautiful! Happy anniversary! (my email is on my profile)

  17. I love your blog suzanne! I love your creativity and your upbeat look on life!
    I was going to say that I love when my son and my husband build igloos, but better than that I love to sit in my big comfortable chair at our house up in grayling and look out the twelve foot doorwall at the river as chunks of ice float by and the sun shines and makes the tiney bits of snow falling from the trees when the wind blows look like the whole outdoors is sparkling like diamonds.
    Oh and of course ther is a fire in the woodstove and knitting on my needles.- Kim T-sunshinekim.

  18. Happy Blogoversary :) What I love about winter is I get to knit like crazy because all my friends and family want hats and mittens... the colder weather also gives me reason to make warm, comforting food. YUM!

  19. I love the snow, of course! Who doesn't love sledding and making snowballs? :), or E-Dreamer on Ravelry

  20. What I like most is the first time it snows at night and it is so quiet and beautiful outside...and the first Snow Day is pretty exciting too!

  21. Drinking cocoa while watching it snow is a favorite activity of mine.

  22. I like listening to the wind howl outside while I am snuggled up inside with my knitting and my sweetie :)

  23. Oh, I know! I gives me lots of time to stay inside with hot coffee or chocolate and get lots of knitting and sewing done. :)

  24. Congrats on your second blogaversary. I am also glad to read your extended vacation is over. I love winter because I can hibernate and knit more! avennett AT verizon DOT net

  25. My favorite thing about winter is those cold weekend days where I can stay in bed with my knitting and a mug of tea and just stay warm and relax.


I love to read your comments!