Monday, January 24, 2011

Sad Day

I've been writing today's post in my head over the past several days.  Last night my best friend's sister passed away.  She was only 53.

Do you remember when you were a kid and you thought 50 was OLD?  Well, I did, and it's not so old anymore.  In fact it's very YOUNG.  Jennifer suffered a heart attack last week and did not survive.  So many times we hear of people who have heart attacks, my father included, who with the help of modern medicine heal and go on to live for years and years.  When young people like Jennifer don't survive, we shake our heads, shed our tears, and question why her.

I think that part of the problem is that we, as women, don't really recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and many times we're busy taking care of everyone else but ourselves.

When I told Kevin about Jennifer, he said 'That's it.  You're going to start exercising'.  I'm sure there's love in those fightin' words.  For once, he's quite right.  I think we all know what we should be doing to live longer and better.  Doing it is another thing.

I hope you'll join me in lifting Jennifer's family up in prayer as they face the difficult days ahead.  And please make a conscious effort to improve your own health, any way you can.  More people than you realize will miss you when you're gone.  Let's live to ripe old ages together, ok?  Do I have to send Kevin after you??


  1. very sad Suzanne. Condolences and prayers for Jennifer, family, and friends. xoxoxo


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