Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Creative Day

I started the day out with a trip to Brighton to the Thrums and Chums rug hooking group.  I didn't take any thing to hook but I did take my knitting (Chickens -- see, it's not just you).  Actually my reason for going was to deliver a Blessing Basket to my friend Kris, who had asked me to pick one up when I next saw them in the yarn shop.  I saw many ladies I haven't seen in a while and one gal in particular who is quite ill.  So glad I went.  I managed to finish knitting the first sleeve for my Caddy Cardigan while I was there, even though I had forgotten my READERS!!!!!! Ack.

I resisted the urge to stop at a number of knit shops on the way home, determined to get to work on a quilting project instead.  Last night I pulled some fabric I bought y-e-a-r-s ago that was originally going to be a quilted vest.  It languished in my stash instead.  I wanted to try out the techniques in Anita Grossman Solomon's book, Rotary Cutting Revolution, that I showed you on Thursday.

I used two different fabrics for the Arrowhead block, a musical instrument fabric and a solid black.  Next time I do this, I'll be sure to take more pictures of the process but here's the block before I squared it up:

Any of my Chicken friends will tell you that I'm the slowest piecer in the world (Diane-- I know you think you are but I swear it's me!) and it's mostly because I can't stand to be off.  I always have my seam ripper nearby but I have to say, today everything went well.  I only had to use it once when my quarter inch seam wandered at the end of a seam.

You can see (sorry for the glare) that my center looks spot on:

Here are some shots of the back of the block.  Notice that I pressed the seams open?  That's new for me.

Here's the block once I squared it to 9":

I bet Sally's going to like this quilt!

Well, that's it for today.  Tomorrow I will be back at my sewing station:

I've got 7 more blocks to make -- maybe it will turn into a table runner, we'll see.

P.S. -- To my two giveaway winners from yesterday -- EMAIL ME PLEASE!!!!


  1. Suzanne---I never knew that you were a control freak like me!!! I couldn't tell from your knitting, but I sure can see it in your EXCELLENT piecing!!! This is going to be amazing!

  2. Why are you pressing the seams open? I was taught to press them to one side for quilting. . .

  3. Thanks Heather. The control thing is what keeps me from piecing so much. I think this new technique will be just what I need to push forward.

  4. I know what you mean Tanya. That's how I always did mine. But now I'm wondering. Edyta Sitar and Anita Solomon both say to press open. I know they have a couple of reasons but the primary one is flatter seams to quilt over -- less bulk.

  5. Your block looks terrific! Quite precise & great fabrics. Good to see you sewing!

  6. What a nice sewing station(about time)! and look at all that high tech organization! What is the world coming too?


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