Friday, December 31, 2010

So long 2010

I'm closing in on 30,000 visitors to my blog.  Who knew?  Well, when I get there I'll have a super duper giveaway.  In the meantime, Kate over at Lazy Kate Creates is having a great giveaway so check her blog out.

Today I only managed to knit about 5 inches on my first sleeve for the Caddy Cardigan.  I didn't start until after dinner because my day was just too full.  I started by shopping for clothes at Macy's and while I swore I'd never buy the next size up, I caved in the name of comfort.  Looking at yourself mostly naked in the dressing room with a three way mirror is about the most humbling thing one can do.  I think we all imagine ourselves about 5 inches taller and a few many pounds slimmer.  I have to use this experience as a jumping off point to get back into shape.  For the millionth time.  Seriously.  Gotta do it.

Despite the dressing room ordeal, I was reasonably successful -- three new pair of trousers, a pair of jeans, a cute shirt/sweater combo top, and three pair of shoes.  I'd say that was successful, wouldn't you?

Hours after arriving at Macy's I finally headed to my next destination -- Kinko's -- to print off my resume.  I had put the file on a flash drive -- aren't they just the handiest things?  20 copies of my resume cost me $8 so I sure hope they are effective.  I have to wait for the outplacement firm to contact me about reviewing my resume, interviewing tips, etc., so I didn't want to make too many copies just yet.

I'm killing myself in the kitchen lately.  I'm feeling like Julia re-incarnated.  Tonight's New Year's Eve feast was stuffed Cornish game hen with whipped sweet potatoes and a white wine from Pancake Cellars called Big Day White.  Bon Appetit!

I've been going to bed way too late lately, 1:30 last night (or should I say this morning??) and I need to stop doing that!  I'm usually putzing around, reading patterns or books, but I need to finish up and get to bed at a reasonable time.  That way I can get up at a reasonable time too!  Funny how that works.....

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