Friday, December 17, 2010

On Vacation

I've decided that I'm not out of work.  I'm on vacation.  I can get up whenever I want, just like when I'm on vacation.  I can putz around, just like when I'm on vacation.  Eat when I want, nap if I want, knit when I want.  I can do nothing if that's what I want to do.

Today I started out wanting to make the apron I need to sew for the Chicken gift exchange on Sunday.  Cutting it close??? Au contraire mon ami!  I'm waaaay ahead for me!  Things were thrown out of whack by a customer who had bought one of my signature coats at the Birmingham Winter Markt.  She originally gave me a check to hold until Christmas, at which time I was to deposit the check and then deliver the coat.  She couldn't wait and I met her today with the coat and she paid me cash.  So I decided to run a few errands -- stopped at Penzey's to get some spices I need to make my breakfast sausage for Sunday, got my car washed for the first time, stopped at the Salvation Army to get my kettle and bell for tonight.

I returned home and started working on the apron.  I can't show you pictures until Sunday because some of the Chickens read my blog.  It's coming along nicely, though.  I had to stop sewing to go do the bell ringing at Holiday Market.  It was darn nippy but I know I'm doing a good thing and people are generous if you just give them an opportunity to give.  I'm always saddened at the sight of vacant kettle stands because no one volunteered to ring.  It's unbelievably easy to do and so rewarding.  Where else do people thank you for merely standing and ringing a bell for two hours?  Please think about volunteering some time.  You can sign up on line and even check later to see how much your kettle netted.  I'll let you know how much I got today when I find out.  I'm also ringing tomorrow from 11am -1pm at Holiday Market in Royal Oak so if you're in the area I'd love to have you stop by.

For now, I'm warmed up, had some supper, and now I'm sipping on a glass of Cab.  Too tired to sew but I might knit for a bit.  I'm on vacation, you know.


  1. Suzanne--So, counting today's 'post blessings', I see
    1)a positive outlook, 2)money (in cash!) earlier than expected 3)a nearby Penzey's (lurve them!!) 4)grace and a generous spirit in helping others...
    All in all, a wonderful start to your time of change. Someone once told me that the Chinese characters for change are 'danger' and 'opportunity', and I think that's right. Sending positive thoughts your way, sweetie--

  2. Thanks so much Heather. It is a time for change, in many ways.


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