Saturday, December 11, 2010

Busier than busy!

And I thought yesterday was busy!  I started today with a couple of loads of laundry and took off like a rocket from there.  Dropped yarn off to the Ravelry gal, deposited the GLHQ receipts, picked up Maggie's dog food and a new gizmo to help curb her barking, drove to Guildcrafters to pick out the fabric for our apron exchange on the 19th, ran into the Clawson yarn shop for an extra skein to finish a felted hat, shopped at Costco again, picking up the Christmas ham this time, got a quick lunch at Wendy's, looked at smartphones at Best Buy and Verizon, before heading back to Costco to get the phone I saw yesterday.  Phew.  Then I was off to find some accessories -- nothing at Target or Office Max so it was back to Best Buy.  Can you believe I left the house at 9:45 AM and didn't return until 5:45 PM???  Me neither!!  That's like a full day at the office, only there I don't have to deal with traffic and jammed parking lots and people who are not feelin' the love of the season.

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