Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Off to the Show

Here's another brief post -- I've got to get to bed pronto!  My car is packed up but I've got laundry in the dryer and a bag that needs to be packed.  I've selected about 6 or 8 different skeins of yarn to work on and I'm taking my charity knitting -- white acrylic yarn from Sears!  A donation from some former knitter somewhere.

Here's the Golden Beret I finished yesterday:

I absolutely love this new yarn from Malabrigo named Rios and I've started on a second beret using a beautiful navy/plum/green version. 

Here's the tri-corner baby hat I finished last weekend:

And with that, I'm outta here!  I won't be posting for a few days but keep stopping by my blog to check in with the blogs I follow.  I know I'll go through withdrawal -- I read them all every day!!  Have a great weekend!

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