Friday, September 24, 2010


The time is fast approaching for my first festival of the year -- you can see the deadline is down to mere hours for  the Mt. Bruce Sheep & Wool Festival.  I went out there tonight to set up my booth and big surprise -- the winds had been so strong, 40 mph+, that the tent I'm normally under had come down!

I waited a while for the winds to die down and the tent went back up again.  The winds continued to gust but at least I could get my tent up under the big tent.  All of my display pieces are there except for Hedy (got to remember her tomorrow) and I only need to bring my inventory and sales box with me.  We're expecting spectacular weather for the weekend so I'm hoping that people bring the wallets and are willing to part with some money!

I'll try to take pictures tomorrow and post them soon.  For right now, I've got some last minute finishing work to do before I head to bed for hopefully a restful sleep.

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