Monday, September 6, 2010

Break's Over

How can I make it so the weekends last twice as long as they do?  Here I am at the end of the three day weekend and it just seemed to go so fast.  I've got a jam packed day planned for work tomorrow so I'm heading to bed soon.

Today I got a bunch of little things done and because of that my mind will be that much more at ease when I put my head on my pillow.  I finished another Button Hat, taking my total hat count for this year to 67, not counting the seven felted hats I've done.  The brown Button Hat I finished today was on the back porch, drying, and missed the photo shoot.  I made up a little spreadsheet this afternoon and set up a chair in the driveway.  I took the tub that contains my hat stash out of the T&C and inventoried them all.

Now I know what colors or styles I need to knit up over the next 4 weeks.  Since I only have 5 berets I think I better crank out a few more of them.  One that I did make last week, the Etta Hat, was designed by our knitting guild president and I think it turned out great, although this is where a wig stand would come in handy:
and a close up of the stitch pattern:

I used a skein of Berroco Ultra Alpaca and I love the feel of the hat.

I was in a bit of a panic today because I knew I had some felted bags around here somewhere that just needed their handles, pockets, snaps sewn on and they'd be ready for my upcoming shows.  I looked high and low and then all over again.  I finally found them at 10 PM, tucked behind some bags of roving.  Now I know what I can do over the new few days!

Because of my frantic search, I managed to tidy up the craft room a bit and now I can walk over to this computer without tripping over things, mostly.  I went through 9 cubes of yarn in one of my Expedit shelving units.  Each is now organized with like content yarns and looks so much more presentable, not to mention efficient.  I yanked out a whole lot of yarn that's been neglected and I will use it all over the coming weeks to make show stock.  Hold me to it!!

One last thing.  The Ford Arts, Beats, and Eats Festival is over.   It's quiet.  Calm.  Peaceful.  I love it.  Although I do have to admit to opening the windows and putting my ear to them to hear the band 'Kansas' playing a half mile away as the crow flies.  Remember them?  Saturday when I went to the festival I listened to a former co-worker who left the company to pursue his musical interests.  Good move.  It's nice to see someone being successful at the something they were passionate about.  When I worked with him he was known as Jonah, but he goes by Nadir now:
He's the one on the left, being introduced by the guy on the right.  See, there is life after Met.


  1. WOW--"Carry on My Wayward Son" and "Dust in the Wind" Whoa, they sure bring back memories.

    Good for your friend, and yes there is and will be life after Met(Life).

    Great job on your inventory and straightening. You got a lot done this long weekend.

    Have a great, Short week. xoxo

  2. You have accomplished so much, what a great collection of hats for your shows!
    My hubby and I went and saw Kansas at DTE at the beginning of summer. They still sound great after all these years!


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