Sunday, August 1, 2010

Access Restored

Happy, happy, joy, joy.  All is right with the world.  At least my little corner of it.  The AT&T repairman arrived at 11:25 AM and changed out all of the fittings, etc. and now everything is working.  A different guy is coming later to change out the line that goes from the telephone pole to the box on the side of my house.  It sounds like maybe, just maybe, somebody was sponging off of my line and getting free internet, etc.  Ugh.

But on to other joyous things....

My sister Denise has really developed an interest in flower gardening and works on her flowers every day.  She spends anywhere up to 2 hours just watering and dead-heading everything.  Martha Stewart would be so proud!  Her hard work really pays off:

That's my glass of Louis Martini Napa Cab -- yummy!  I enjoyed that while knitting on the upper deck.  The Thistle in the bottom row is near the rock wall of the marina -- Mother Nature must have planted that one.


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