Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Blog and a Hat

While bouncing around the blogging forums on Ravelry today I came across a blog unlike any other in my blog roll.  Please take a look at Wholesome Fun at Home and Abroad.  It's all about a gal from England who is a scientist working in Antarctica and knitting to fill the spare moments.  I don't know about you, but I know very little about that continent so I'm hoping to be educated and entertained.

In the meantime, I finished another hat tonight:

I used Cascade 128 Tweed in a nice forest green shade.  I have to say it gave off a pea green shade when I blocked it in my bathroom sink (Head N Shoulders again) -- thank goodness this won't happen the first time the recipient wears it!  The button is one I purchased at My Craft Room a few weeks ago.  I'm just auditioning it.  I think the button is a bit big for this hat and would be better suited to a larger version.  It's been several months since I have knit this pattern up and I had forgotten to make it taller than the pattern calls for.  I did remember to increase the number of cast on stitches and this time I used the double D decrease (are you tired of that decrease yet?  Not me!).

A while ago I made the bold statement that from now on I'm going to keep better track of the changes I make to patterns.  So I'm marching off to the living room to dig the pattern out of my knitting bag and write this info down.  Before I forget.  Again.

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