Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Out of Focus

Today started out lousy for me.  First I dropped my open contact lens case in the sink and mixed up the lenses.  There's a 1.00 diopter difference between my left eye and my weaker right eye.  I picked up a lens, rinsed it off and placed it in my right eye.  I could read the toothpaste label so I thought all was right with the world.  I tried to do the same with the other lens in the sink and found it was ripped, so I put a brand new lens in my left eye.  Guess what?  I figured wrong and the lens I had put in my right eye was really a left and I spent the whole day out of focus.

Next I was running around getting ready to leave for the bus when I remembered the weatherman had said it would rain so I had to track down an umbrella.  Sure as shootin' I headed for the bus stop and saw the bus fly right on by me.  It was EARLY!  You can be sure that I sent a complaint email to the fine folks at SMART, our local transportation service.  Apparently they're not all 'smart'.  So I had to drive the T&C to work -- and it never did rain!

Heather wanted to know a bit about my craft room in the last post so here's the link to the original makeover:  http://lovemyfiber.blogspot.com/2009/04/making-progess.html    Those are Expedit bookcases from IKEA.  I wish it could stay as spiffy as the original day but it does give me something to strive for.

I finished another Jarbo yarn hat tonight ~~

And once again I used the double D decrease (can you tell that I get on kicks??) ~~

It looks a little wonky but that's just because I had to set it on its side on my bed to even attempt to get the true color, minus the flash.  So now I need to cast on with the last skein of Jarbo that I bought last Saturday, then I'll be back to working on yarn that takes a larger needle -- like a size 13!!


  1. Another great hat! I really need to start one and try those double d decreases, I just love that look!

    Your craft room is wonderful. I recently redid mine using things from IKEA too. I like that they have so much you can customize- I made a lefthanded desk and lefthanded sewing table using their stuff.

  2. Really like that yarn--great color changes!

  3. Thanks, Suzanne! I think a bookcase like yours might be just what I've been looking for.

    They don't have backs on them, do they? Have you had any problem with things slipping down behind them, or is this not a concern because they're bolted to the wall?


  4. Heather -- No, they don't have backs on them and I haven't bolted them to the walls. You can, but I haven't. Nothing has fallen behind because they're right up against the wall.


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