Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Garden Update #2

After taking in all the advice, I have yanked mystery plants 1 & 2 out of the backyard flower beds -see Garden Update post from last week.  A few others bit the dust too, thanks to a personal visit from my friend Eddie, who is a garden wizard.  I spent 2 hours out there again, missing the Knitter's Picnic, and lugged two trash cans full of weeds out to the curb for garbage pick up tomorrow.  The weather has been beautiful -- not too warm or muggy.  Pulling and tugging weeds is really hard on my hands.  I just don't have the strength in them any more.

I also did not have time to work on my entrelac bag or color my hair but I guess they both can wait.  I'll just have to look at those grey roots for another day.

Tomorrow will be a busy day at work.  I really need to get my mid-year performance review started.  It's due on the 7th and with the holiday coming up there won't be much time to get it done.  Today was the last day for my co-worker Ric on our team.  Next week he starts his new job on another team.  We've worked together for about 7 years and called each other 'Best Friend' almost from the very beginning, partially for a joke.  Our company does an employee survey from time to time and one of the stupid questions is 'do you have a best friend at work?' so we decided, yes, we do have a best friend at work -- each other.  He's Kevin's age and often times that has seemed odd to me.  He's light years ahead of Kevin in so many ways.

I'm also meeting Holly & Mike for dinner tomorrow after work.  I'm looking forward to seeing them and giving them their anniversary gift.  It's still hard to believe they've been married a whole year.


  1. I'm not sure than I am a garden wizard, but I do enjoy it! I was tempted to skip knitting circle and stay to pull weeds with you! With the time saved, I probably could have colored your hair, too. Now that would have been an event worth blogging about!

  2. I definitely would have appreciated both efforts, probably the hair coloring more so since I can't see well enough to hit every spot!

  3. I'm a lazy slacker who has contracted with someone else to come and pull my weeds. . .Summer school is taking my time, and it seems I have "more money than sense" as they say. . ."Two Bags and a Mower" should be at my house when I get home, and hopefully my back yard will be somewhat less of a jungle by tomorrow!


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