Sunday, June 13, 2010

Falling out of Love

Have you ever worked so hard, for so long, on something that when it's finally done, you feel a let down?  I finished hooking the last possible loop in a rug that I started so long ago I don't remember when.  I loved the design, carefully chose the hand dyed wool, cut up the strips and placed them in my Ziploc bag carrier.  I worked on it for hours at a time but months between the sessions.  Unfortunately I had fallen madly in love with knitting and the rug hooking that had piqued my interest when my love for quilting waned, was sadly cast aside.

Oh I tried to re-kindle the love.  I'd pick it up from time to time but just couldn't get there.  Rug hooking really causes my thumbs to ache and I get a stinging, sharp pain in my shoulders that radiates up my neck.  Thank goodness for ibuprofen and my Homedic hand held massager.

So now the main work is complete.  Next is a serious blocking to get the edges to behave and then the binding.  This all needs to be done by next weekend.  No more delays.  I spent over 16 hours just this weekend on the hooking.  I can't begin to count up the hours spent over the last few years on it.  But the end is near and I'm awfully relieved.

Now I can go back to my regularly scheduled knitting!


  1. Yea! Done is good!!!

  2. That doesn't sound like a FUN hobby....project done=good. Best to move on then...

  3. That is a lot of hours invested in the rug, I bet you are really glad to be done!


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