Sunday, May 16, 2010

Something Old, Something New

Today I did something I haven't done in months -- worked on a rug hooking project.  It's months behind but I had neither the ambition nor time to work on it.  I spent 3 1/2 hours this morning out on my back patio, soaking in the sunshine, hooking my little heart out.  I hooked until I ran out of strips.  I'll need to cut more and my fingers are crossed that I'll have enough of this one color to complete it.  Then I'll need my friend Kate's help to finish the binding.

This was probably the best weekend weather-wise for the Birmingham art fair that I can remember.  Usually they're stuck with cold or rainy days, which make for a terribly miserable show for vendors and shoppers.  I buzzed through the booths late this afternoon after knitting at Right off the Sheep with the ladies.  I was pretty good and only purchased two wooden cooking utensils and a conditioning cream.  The artist was from Pennsylvania and said he'd be back in Michigan for two more shows later this year.  It's kind of like a 'carnie' life.

From there I went to my quilting friend Pam's showing of her new line of knitting needles.  The straight needles are hexagonal and made from Michigan cherry tree wood have a cute copper finial.  I'll take pictures tomorrow of both the cooking utensils and the new needles, and hopefully have a review of both items.

Have a great week!

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