Saturday, May 8, 2010


Today I worked on another wool coat.  I'm stuck on the lapel but the back is complete.  I'll post pictures tomorrow, woohoo.

I picked up a Mother's Day gift for my Mom and I don't want to give it away but I can say that the store smelled wonderful!  I also finished knitting the felted hat and I must say I'd forgotten how nice it is to knit a hat up so quickly (I knit 10" in 2 1/2 hours last night at the concert).  I cast on a new 4x1 rib hat in orange and got about 1.5" knit so far.

This morning I stabbed my index finger badly with the felting needle so I picked up some rubber finger gizmos at Office Depot.  I think they'll help keep the needles from drawing blood and leaving such sore spots.

For now I'm off to bed where I'll no doubt dream about more fibery projects for tomorrow.......

Oh, I'm DVRing the Saturday Night Live episode hosted tonight by Betty White -- I bet it will be great but on too late for me to watch tonight.  Something to enjoy while I'm lounging around tomorrow.

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