Friday, April 30, 2010


Besides death and taxes, I can now add one more certainty -- my job is definitely going away.  Today we got the dreaded email from our VP that Delphi has selected another company to manage the health care benefits for their employees.  The target date is 1-1-11.  Kind of an odd looking date don't you think?  Maybe it's a lucky date, we'll see.

Time for all of us to dust off our resumes.  Several of us are scrambling to get them updated, even though the projected date is months away.  How easy is it for you to describe in articulate ways, all the things that you're capable of doing at work?

Anyway, these transitions have a way of getting extended, especially once the new company realizes all of the intricacies of Delphi's benefits.

I managed to make it through the day without crying, mostly because I was so busy learning the new jobs I'll be responsible for from now until we're done for good.  I would be satisfied doing what I'm doing for ages but that's not in the cards for me.  Now I have to really explore ways to cut back on spending and pay off debt.  Bad news for the local yarn shops!

I did make it to Home Depot where I picked up a new weed whacker.  I'm ashamed to say that I currently have 4 others in the shed.  None of which really work (I hope), except for the expensive gas-powered one that is A. too hard to start and B. too damn heavy for me.  Maybe I'll trade it in to the mower guy in exchange for some service on my lawn mower.

I put the new weed whacker to work tonight and it did a great job of cleaning up my yard.  I also tried to whack the hair off of my right calf.  Ok, not really but it sure did smart when it whacked my leg by accident.

I'm going to finish my beer (good thing there's only one), pop a Motrin and get to bed.  Tomorrow I'm heading out to Ortonville for a quilt show with my friend Sue.  I could use a diversion right now.


  1. I am so sorry Suzanne :( Even though you kind of expected it, it is still a shock when it finally happens. But maybe it is time for your life to take a new and exciting turn? When this happened to my sister about 15yrs ago she started her own company that is still going today!

    So you never know with life, sometimes changes are the best thing to happen no matter how we dread them...

    Kim W

  2. Thanks Kim. I know you're right -- sometimes we just get in a groove and balk at changing directions. I know that there's something for me out there. A creative 'something' would be nice but I still need to pay the bills!

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