Wednesday, April 7, 2010

As Promised... are the pictures of my revised pockets on Wool Coat #1 ~~

I think I need to add a little more 'vein' to the left leaf on the top picture.  Other than that, I'm pretty pleased with the way the coat is looking so far.  I have to hand sew the label down and sew the lining back down and I'll be finished.  Woohoo!  Now I just have to come up with a price for it......

The other day I got a surprise package in the mail ~~
It was a fabulous gift from Detroit Edison, for having completed an online energy survey.  This is a win-win for me.  I found ways to cut my energy use as well as actually seeing which appliances are energy hogs.  In the gift box were 5 of the new lightbulbs, water reducing aerators for the kitchen faucet, bathroom faucet and shower head, a night light, and safety plugs for outlets.  I put the bathroom faucet aerator on right away -- works like a charm.  I'd been without an aerator there for at least a year.  Kind of embarrassing.  The night light came in the nick of time as the light bulb on my old one died out that night -- coincidence??

I'm starting to feel the pressure -- taxes are due next week and I haven't really started yet.  Yikes!  Looks like I'll be working on them this weekend.  I bet you've already gotten your refund and have spent it, right???


  1. This is beautiful!

  2. Hi mom!
    I really like the coat! You did a beautiful job on it. I love the back side too. I have no advice for the price though - I don't know if you're totally finished yet. That's great that you got a bunch of free stuff from the energy company! Wish I knew about that! Have a great day at work tomorrow! I finished two more papers-ahhhhh. Talk to you soon!
    -Holly xoxo


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