Friday, March 19, 2010

Vascular Screening Day

Today was another fantastic weather day -- super sunshine-y and high temps in the low 70s. Can't ask for more, except more days just like this one.

I headed over to Beaumont Hospital this morning for my Vascular Screening and was out of there lickety split fast. In only a half hour I had my carotids, abdomen and legs scanned with the ultrasound, followed by my EKG, blood pressure (definitely on the high side for me at 138/77), high body fat (not sharing that number today), and finally had a couple of vials of blood drawn to check for cholesterol and blood sugar. I hadn't had anything to eat since 9 PM last night so both of the blood tests should yield valid results.

Speaking of results, I should get a report in about a week or two and I'll share that with you when I do.

The technician seemed to spend a LOT of time on my left carotid artery so I'm not sure if that means anything or not. At least they didn't call for a gurney to have me admitted!

It's been about 3 years since I last had my cholesterol checked and I'd be willing to bet it's a tad high. Ok, it might be a lot high. I do love my cheese.....

I've been knitting on my Sneaky Sheep exchange item that is due by next month's BSKG meeting.  It will be a 'home' item as opposed to something you wear.  No hints on what it is or whose name I drew but here's a progress picture that doesn't give away too much ~~

I'll be working on it this weekend as well as attempting to get my taxes done.  Less than 4 weeks left to go!


  1. Love the sneaky sheep shot...hmm...cables...that doesn't give away much. lovely color too!

  2. Oh Suzanne...I hope it's something that you're going to 'full' in the washing machine!!
    (I just love little shrunken knitted bowls for rings and such...wish I could knit!) :)

  3. No more hints....but stay tuned -- more pics in a week or two.....


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