Sunday, March 14, 2010

Super Sunday

Today I tackled the task of buying a new computer.  I've been thinking about it for a while, in preparation of receiving my bonus at work.  I really didn't want a laptop -- I just like working on a desktop better and I know you can usually get a lot more memory on a desktop.

I searched a bit online, Dell, Best Buy, among others, and decided I needed to visit the stores in person.  I started at Costco today, just to rule it out, and as expected, they did not have what I needed.  It seems like they're pushing laptops a whole lot more.  Next I went to Best Buy.  I really liked the idea of the all-in-one models but they didn't have much memory for the price.  After looking over their regular desktops I committed their features and prices (not really!) to memory and headed over to Micro Center, where I found the same PC for about the same money but the salespeople all sounded like scammers.  So back to Best Buy I went and found the same sales guy I had worked with earlier.

I ended up with an HP desktop with 6 GB of RAM and 1 TB hard drive -- ginormous.  For comparison my old computer had 512 MB of RAM and 2 GB hard drive.  Kind of like going from a Yugo to a Ferrari.  The monitor is an HP 20" LCD version that seems huge.  It fills up the space on my desk for a monitor.  I was worried it wouldn't fit so that's great.

I'm always nervous about switching over to a new PC.  I got a 4 GB flash drive to use to copy over the important files I had on the old PC.  I'll try to load them tomorrow, along with other software like my printer and web camera.  I don't want to do too much too fast and mess it up.  It's so nice to start with a clean slate.

I did manage to get some time in for knitting today with the ladies at Right off the Sheep.  I worked on my Sneaky Sheep project and got 2" done.  No hints yet, but I will say it takes a bit of concentrating to get it right.

I hope you had a great weekend wherever you are.  The weather was pretty glum around here but I think things will perk up tomorrow.

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