Friday, March 12, 2010

Immersed the manual for my new CAMERA!  Yes, indeedy, I decided on a new camera.  I've had my current Olympus digital camera for nearly 4 years and since it's only a 6 megapixel version I decided to use part of today's bonus from work to buy a new toy must-have item.  I chose a Nikon Coolpix S8000 for a number of reasons but mostly because I wanted the most megapixels and optical zoom I could afford.  I know that Nikon has a great reputation and this one has 14 megapixels and 10X optical zoom plus the vibration reduction feature I wrote about Wednesday.

I went to Best Buy first to get an idea what I'd be paying if I bought it locally.  Then I went to the Woodward Camera shop in Birmingham and asked for that model.  Pete was very helpful and went in the back room to pull out the lone camera -- it was my destiny.  While their price was a bit more than Best Buy, I got the camera case included, and a lot more knowledge and advice from Pete than the guys at the big box store.  Plus I will be signing up for a four week workshop they run called 'Beyond the Basics', which I look forward to taking.

So far, I have to say I LOVE the camera.  I still need to load the software to my computer, which could be getting replaced as well, so I may hold off on that.  I just sat in my chair in the living room and snapped things at various distances.  Everything is crystal clear and sharp as can be.  I can't wait to use it tomorrow when I go to see the Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, speak at the Detroit Main Public Library at 1 PM.  

Several people will be setting up tables there at 11 AM to sell knitting related things, including my friend Tanya, and I'll be giving her a hand.  I'll try not to cough on everyone.  Still battling the wheezy chest thing.  Getting tired of that but too excited about my new camera to let it get me down!


  1. Nothing better than a new toy, except a new toy and seeing the Yarn Harlot! Have a good time, and cough all you want, but cover the camera when you do!

  2. I can't wait to see all of the amazing pictures you will take with this camera! Hurray for treating ourselves!

    PS- Totally jealous of you seeing the Yarn Harlot. Totally.


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