Monday, March 22, 2010

The First Step

I believe it's been said that the first step to recovery is admitting that you need help.  Well, I need help.  Tonight I went into my utility room where my quilt fabric is stored with the best of intentions.  I intended to sort through containers of fabric and create a give away pile.  Couldn't do it.  I kept thinking over and over again how I bought these three fabrics to coordinate with that focus fabric, how these four fabrics were to be used for that quilt pattern, or how this collection of fabric strips would be great for whipping up that quilt.

In the end I made no decisions other than to return the fabrics to their rightful containers and make a hasty retreat from that room.

Now I did find a quilt pattern that's made for my friend Joyce, who of course, does not have enough ideas of her own and needs help from me - NOT.  But I think she'll like it and make if for a special little lady in her life.  Not that she needs them but I'll bring some of the fabrics that were neatly stored purposely beside the pattern.

It's going to take a vice grip to remedy my fabric situation.  I think if I just take everything out of the containers, make project piles and a list to prioritize them, that it should be a whole lot easier to rid myself of the excess.  The piles could be:  Have to Make It, Likely to Make It, and Not Even if I Live to 90.  Right?

1 comment:

  1. Project piles are a good start! Do you want to work on them more than you want to knit? That would be a good question too! (Which is why all but the sock yarn went to Colleen :) Thanks for thinking of me with the pattern!:)


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