Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trying New Things

My blogiversary giveaway is off to a great start!  If you haven't done so already, be sure to follow the guidelines in this morning's post and get your comments in!

I had a nice and busy Sunday, though I sure wished it were still Saturday.  I love those long weekends.  I headed over to Right off the Sheep and got started on my Sneaky Sheep 3 exchange item.  No clues but I might slide in a pic of the yarn tomorrow.

From the shop I headed to my friend Eddie's house for an afternoon of knitting, wine (not a word Tanya!), and his homemade Manhattan Clam Chowder, which was delicious.  Somehow I've never had it before today.  I provided a Caesar Salad and some fresh Cheddar Bread from the Strawberry Moon Bakery in fashionable Ferndale.  I hadn't been to that bakery before even though I've passed it a zillion time.  I'll definitely be back.

I managed to finish the mint green Rose Hill hat that I've been working on, now that I'm done with my Knitting Olympics project, the Possum Scarf.  I washed the scarf last night and a whole lot of red dye came out of it.  I still need to make a hat and mitts to match.  I never run out of things to do.

1 comment:

  1. Suz,
    The wine is fine, it's Sunday and Sundays are free days for what you gave up for Lent. Dad taught me that many years ago; and it was published in some guidance from church this year.


I love to read your comments!