Thursday, February 25, 2010

No longer dilated....

....and back to being able to see again!  Today I went back to the eye doctor to dilate my eyes and check the health of my retinas.  Because my acuity is so poor I'm at risk for retinal detachments.  Among other things, I'm not allowed to bowl.  I know, crazy, but it gets me out of a sport I was never good at anyway.

The one thing I have to offer doctors is the chance to see a choroidal nevus -- basically a freckle -- at the back of my eye.  I don't think they come across them too often and when my doctor found it today he said 'It's Huge!'  Not exactly the reaction you're hoping for from your optometrist.  He said it's about 2 mm in size -- in knitting needle terms, that's a size 0.  I've known about it for at least 25 years but I guess the key is to get some retinal photos taken so they can track any changes in size or shape.  Like a lot of freckles it could turn cancerous, remotely, but they like to keep an eye on it.  Pun intended.  Now I need to follow up with a trip to the retinal specialist.  Add that to my list of upcoming doctor appointments.

Giving everyone a heads-up:  I'm having my first blogiversary on Sunday, the 28th.  Let's just say this celebration will include a swell giveaway.  Stay tuned.........

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