Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today at work a co-worker sent an email with a bunch of sayings in it.  I liked one in particular:
Bad decisions make for the best stories.
Haven't we all made bad decisions that resulted in terrific stories.  I've done it loads of times.  How about the time I decided to rent a roto-tiller from Home Depot and till up the flower beds?  That had to be good for a few laughs from the neighbor who caught my antics.  Roto-tillers aren't exactly made for 4'10" women with girlie muscles.

This Saturday is the guild's Mystery Quilt Day.  My smart decision for that day is to finish projects I've started but have been lingering for YEARS.  That's not an exaggeration.  I was gifted some blocks from a guild member 10 years ago.  I put them into a small quilt about 8 years ago and quilted it about 6 years ago.  Binding?  Uh, no, never got to that.  I picked out some fabric at a shop in Rochester Saturday, during one of my hospital visits to see my Mom, and I WILL bind that quilt on Saturday.


  1. DONE is a good thing!

  2. UFO's are difficult things to get to it seems. Glad you're finishing some. Have fun at your mystery quilting. We'll miss you at KnitMichigan.


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