Thursday, February 18, 2010

Check Ups

I'm into that stretch of the year where I seem to schedule all of my doctor appointments at once.  Tomorrow I'm having my head eyes examined for the first time in two years.  That's way too long for me and my acuity has definitely worsened.  I know I need more power in my contact lenses.  Next month I will start off with the annual gyno visit and subsequent mamm  followed by the semi-annual dental cleaning. My teeth have suffered horribly from the effects of Acid Reflux, so much so that nearly all of the enamel is gone. I usually get at least two crowns done every year.  With my health care and dental coverage looking like they won't last past this year I've got to get everything fixed while I can.

After the dentist comes something new for me.  I've scheduled a vascular screening through Beaumont Hospital. They'll do several tests and no doubt tell me to make several changes in my life style, which I'm in the process of doing anyway. Here's the blurb from Beaumont's website:  

"Beaumont's comprehensive Heart and Vascular screening includes blood pressure, body mass index, blood cholesterol and glucose measurements, 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and vascular ultrasound screenings for stroke, peripheral artery disease and abdominal aortic aneurysm."  

You get several tests for only $70 and it is recommended for anyone over age 40.  I know of a few people in my life who would also benefit from these tests -- hint, hint.

Sometime later on I'll need to schedule a physical and get a referral to a new gastroenterologist.  I wasn't too happy with my last gastro doctor so it's time to move on.  After that, I should be good until next year.


  1. Suzanne--You and I must be twins! I have a similar week planned next week, myself.
    Yeesh...this 'aging' thing is tricky!!
    Good luck!!

  2. Suzanne, I have a great gastro. Let me know if you want his name. He office is located on Northwestern/Inkster in a Providence building, but is also a Beaumont doctor. Katy

  3. Thanks Katy -- I'll have to get his name from you and see if he's covered by my insurance.

  4. Thanks Heather. Aging IS hell!

    Good luck with your doctor visits too!

  5. I also have a gastro doc I love if you need a second choice, his office is at maple and livernois and is a beaumont doc also, let me know!

    Kim W


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