Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally Friday

I'm so glad to be done with the work week.  On the other hand, it brings me closer to the time when several co-workers will be leaving on the 29th.  I'm not looking forward to next week at all.

Last night I decided it was time to use up some leftover yarn from previous projects by knitting another charity hat.

This is only one container of many and while I did make the hat below I have so much more I can do.

Tonight I re-did my gauge swatch for my Peace Sweater.  I really couldn't remember what needles I had originally used so I started with size 5s tonight.  My gauge should be 19 stitches to 4 inches but I got 20  stitches on that size needle.  I switched to size 6 needles and got gauge.

This pattern will require size 5 and size 6 needles so I'm all set.  I cast on and knit the first 5 rows using reverse stockinette stitch.  But then I second guessed myself and thought I started out purling when I should have knit and ripped out the rows.  Wrong, I was RIGHT!  Ugh.  Re-did the first 5 rows and then continued on with the stockinette stitch pattern switching from size 5 to size 6 needles.  Now I get to knit about 13 more inches in stockinette -- yippee.  I may make it a bit shorter considering my size.

I finished the back of the Thai Vest yesterday.  Now I need to work on the left front.  I've got to give some thought to how I'm going to continue the seed stitch edge and still decrease.  More math!  Time for bed......

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