Thursday, January 7, 2010

Charity Knitting

I've put the Thai Vest on hold until I can purchase the Addi Turbos I need to save my sanity.  I would have picked them up tonight except for the several inches of snow that coerced me into driving straight home instead.  My normal 20 minute drive took 40 minutes tonight.  :(

I've switched gears by knitting the charity hats I need to have done for our guild meeting on Tuesday.   I  chose the Here Kitty pattern and cast on at work (on break of course!) and got 3" knit so far today. We're supporting the SOS (South Oakland Shelter) again this year and downsized our hats by making just children sized hats this year.  Our charity coordinator Judith already turned in about 25+ hats last week, just before a cold spell, so I'm sure they were handed out to clients and are currently keeping many heads warm.

My furnace just kicked on and it's such a comforting sound -- knowing that I'll be warm and comfortable tonight.  Isn't that something that most of us take for granted?

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