Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Every Thanksgiving it seems like there's so much preparation.  This year my sister Carol is hosting our family dinner in her new home.  It will be good to be in a different place.  Some place other than my Mom & Dad's apartment.  I don't look forward to going to the apartment anymore.  I really wish Mom would get a new place.  Maybe that will happen in March when her current lease is up.

Today after work I went to my favorite Italian market.  I love buying their cannoli and enjoyed eating one on the way home, nuts and sugar falling all over me in the car.  Their bread is to die for -- freshly baked onsite, 24 hours a day.  I could only think about getting home and slathering some soft butter on the still-warm slices.  I picked up a nice chunk of Grana Padana to take for dinner Thursday and pondered for quite a while in the wine aisle, picking up a half dozen bottles for future consumption.

After knitting with the ladies at Panera I headed to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients for my dishes for Thanksgiving.  I didn't want to wait until tomorrow when the crowds will be large, cranky, and hurried.  I bought the fixings for the appetizers I'm bringing along with all the necessities for the famous green bean casserole.  That's one of Holly's favorites and one that usually goes over well at family gatherings although I do remember that Dad didn't care for it.  He liked just about everything else about Thanksgiving dinner and usually ate more than he should have(don't we all??) -- I think it was his favorite holiday.  I know he will  be missed at the table Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. The first holidays are always the hardest. Hopefully your Mom will take some time before she makes a decision to move; they say not to make big decisions the first year. He was a good man and will be missed. You and your family will be in my thoughts.


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