Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fun Day

What did you do today?  Did you have any fun?  Today we had a team meeting at work and I was responsible for the team builder activity, along with one other co-worker.  I had thought it would be fun to teach everyone how to needle felt.  Being certain no one else knew anything at all about this craft, I decided we would use wayward felted pieces as coasters and felt a design on top.

Last night I dug out supplies from the top shelf in the coat closet.  Way up high.  Now I know why there were so many things I had forgotten I even had.  I went to five different stores to find useful cookie cutters, the only thing I didn't have for today.

I lugged all the stuff in this morning and we had our meeting at 9 am, earlier than usual for us.  My manager was particularly interested in this team builder activity -- she loves crafts, such as stained glass and beading,  but wasn't getting the hang of knitting so she was looking forward to trying a new craft.

There were no moans or groans when the activity was announced to the 11 of us.  Even the three guys in attendance were up for it, though they all admitted they were not particularly crafty.  I explained the basic concepts behind needle felting.  Each person chose a cookie cutter and selected a coaster and roving that I had set out on a table.  After a brief demonstration of the technique, they were on their way.  Some were more creative than others, but all enjoyed the task, and even better, they were proud of the outcome.


It was nice to do something other than a brain teaser or ice breaker activity.  Given the events of Friday, no one was really in the mood for that.  At least for a little while we were all able to forget about that.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool and it looks like everyone was having a great time.


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