Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not Quite Ready

I'm heading up to Charlevoix either after work tomorrow or first thing Thursday morning.  I got so behind helping Kevin finally get a truck (can I get an 'AMEN') that final preparations for the show have gone by the wayside.  I got 8 hats felted tonight once we were done picking up the pickup truck but I still have plenty of finishing work to do plus pull all my cold weather clothes out of their hiding places.  It's looking doubtful that I'll be able to leave tomorrow and that's probably alright.  I can get my finishing work done if I get home from work early enough, then pack my clothes, choose my projects to knit on for the weekend and get a good night's sleep.

Today I worked with the dispatcher at Fed Ex to try to determine where my package of shopping bags actually ended up.  At first they said the driver insisted he dropped the package at my house and then they changed their story to say he left it on the next street over.  Well, I already heard that tale last week, so obviously I'm not making any progress whatsoever.  It won't be the end of the world if I don't get the shopping bags in time for the Charlevoix show but really, it was the point of ordering the bags in the first place.  Who knows?  Maybe they'll turn up tomorrow.  I sure do hope so.  If not, I'll have to file a claim with Nashville Wraps and try to get my order all over again.  What a fiasco!

In the meantime, I'm pulling out all sorts of wonderful buttons to use on the Republic hats that I'm continuing to knit up.  I got an order off of my website for a pair of fingerless mittens -- whooohoo!  I have one felted hat that was ordered at the Mt Bruce show, so I'll have plenty to keep me busy for quite a while.  As if that was ever in doubt.


  1. I need to order a pair of black fingerless mitts with silver random stripes, if that is possible - maybe by Christmas??? Eddie

  2. Absolutely! Let me check my stash, may need to shop for that yarn!


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