Friday, October 2, 2009

Caps for Sale

I've been concentrating on making hats for my shows because they seem to be what's selling.  Could have a lot to do with the economy and people cutting backing back on their spending.  It's pretty easy to justify spending $25 on a new wool hat, especially if they're snazzy.

Here are some of the hats I've been whipping up.  Some sold as fast as I could put them on the display.  Too funny.

This one was made using Berroco Peruvia Quick -- it was fabulously soft and sold right away.

For this hat I used Cascade 128 Tweed and a nice wood button -- it also sold last weekend.

 Same as the last one but in grey and it, too, sold last weekend.

There are a lot of stylish people walking around town this weekend with their dapper hats on!  It's been cold and wet this week.

I made one more hat in Cascade 128 in a solid green and it sold as quickly as I finished knitting it at the show so no picture of that one.

Here are a couple that I did not sell....yet.  Both are Cascade 128 Tweed ~~

Did you notice the button on this last one???

I have to say it's a pretty darn good choice.  One vintage flat white button with a colorful fimo clay button layered on top!

I've knit up 3 more hats so far this week, slow for me, but I'll crank them out this weekend.  At least I'll be working on the kind that need to be felted.  Running out of time, as usual.

I'm thinking about laminating my hangtags.  It seems like they're always getting damaged in transit or from the dew that occurs with outdoor shows.  I'm heading over to Kinko's tomorrow where a square foot sheet should cost me $3 and I figure I can get about 12 cards done per sheet.  I'll see if that will work for me.

Yesterday I found out my shipment of shopping bags from Nashville Wraps was delivered to my house at 11:28 AM on Wednesday.  I arrived home from work at 12:30 PM that day for my dentist appointment and there were no packages on my porch as the Fed Ex website indicated.  I spoke to their customer service and they put a tracer on my shipment.  Today I called them back and found out the delivery man had left my boxes at a house on the next street over from mine.  Looks like I might get my packages on Monday, which is a good thing since I need them for my show in Charlevoix next weekend. I've never had anything like this happen before with a shipment.  Pretty strange.

Well, I'm off to knit more hats.......


  1. Thanks so much! I really enjoy knitting them and hunting down the perfect buttons.


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