Monday, October 19, 2009

Bob Seger

I'm a bit young for Bob Seger's hey day but my sisters listened to his music and I liked several of his songs.  Last week while driving to work I heard about a book that was coming out with loads of photos of his early days.  There was a book signing taking place at Memphis Smoke, here in Royal Oak, and the author and photographer would be there to autograph copies of the book. 

After chatting online with my friend Kathy, a die hard fan, I decided to go to the signing and pick up a copy of the book for her.  Kevin agreed to meet me there for dinner.  I stood in line for a few minutes for the signing, right behind some ardent fans.....

First up was the photographer who really did take some fabulous shots.  Sorry Kathy, I browsed through the entire book.

Next was the author who penned the book ....

Oh boy.  I arrived about 15 minutes early for the signing and wound up waiting for a table for nearly 90 minutes.  By the time my little pager went off I had long since given up and Kevin and I had eaten dinner at the bar.  There was a great cover band playing Bob Seger songs, though the lead man didn't sound anything at all like Bob.

There was a rumor that Bob *might* be making an appearance but after 2 1/2 Bass Ales, I was ready to call it a night.  I'm not one to stay out too late, especially on a work night. I'm looking forward to getting Kathy's book to her -- I know she'll enjoy it.

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