Sunday, September 20, 2009

Too Busy to Blog??

I have been a knitting fool.  I passed up a yarn store shop hop yesterday to knit for my upcoming shows.  I know, you feel horribly sorry for me.  Missed my friends, a chance to visit shops I've not been to, buying new yarn.  There are several people out there (you know who you are!) who would say I don't need any more yarn  and while you may be faintly correct you would be completely missing the point.  It is my American duty to assist in our economic recovery, by any means necessary.

So instead, I made another trip to my local farmers market.

The Royal Oak Farmers Market has been in existence for decades and while it has struggled at times I can't imagine it being more successful than it is right now.

Farmers come from several counties to supply us with fresh produce, meat, cheese, baked goods and more.  I stopped at my meat vendor to pick up beef to make a pot roast.  I bought a chuck roast and more ground beef.


From there I wandered around until I found some carrots and onions I liked.  You just can't beat this place for fresh food.  Here is the onion farmer's stall ~~

And if you're in need of cut flowers you can't go wrong here ~~


One vendor had crafted this super plant stand out of grapevines ~~

I also bought a half peck of Honey Crisp apples -- my current favorite.  I could eat several a day -- guess I won't be needing a doctor, right?  That farmer was also selling beautiful boxes of mixed fruits that I just couldn't pass up ~~

I've already had several of those plums and they were delicious.  I love when someone else does the picking for me and has such a lovely variety of fruit!  Couldn't go wrong for $7.

It was an absolutely beautiful morning ~~

I spent the balance of the day knitting up a storm.  I made four more hats yesterday and today I took the pot roast to my Mom's for lunch and used her washing machine to felt 14 hats and one purse.  Thank goodness it was nice enough today to put everything outside to start drying.  That wet wool smell always  results in a complaint from Kevin.

I'll be knitting more this week but it will only be non-felted items.  I have several purses that also need finishing work.  I'm hoping to take some time off of work to get caught up but my work load may not allow it.  We'll see.


  1. How wonderful this whole event seems! In Houston we have a farmers market type thing but not everything there is locally grown (which completely doesn't make sense) and it's not all organic (which I prefer). I wish they would have more of a market, with clothing, jewelry, etc, instead of just food, but I guess you can't get it all at one place.

  2. We missed you on the shop hop! Next time?


    Love the word "idici" that I was going to type in to send this message. For some reason, I always have a hard time posting.


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