Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Andrea's Virtual Shower

I wasn't quite sure what to expect at Andrea's Virtual Shower tonight.  I polled several co-workers -- since it started at 6:30 pm should I eat first, eat a little, skip dinner?  I wound up eating dinner, which was an unusual fiasco.  Kevin had bought two pizzas from Hungry Howie's last night and you know what?  When I got home at 5 pm he was downing the last of them -- and even had the nerve to snicker at me.  So I headed out of the house in search of MY own dinner and nearly got creamed by a car turning onto my street much too quickly.  Mood was quickly souring here.

Here's the mother to be -- live from Northern Ireland ~~

The shower was interesting as all sorts of women began to gather.  There were several quilting friends there including Aileen ~~

and Lee ~~

and Kathy ~~~

Missed getting a picture of Mary (-sorry Mary) and the others who had gathered to shower Andrea with gifts and love.  Dinner was not served (good guess Lisa) but there were appetizers and plenty of desserts, plus wine!

There was an abundance of fabulous gifts ~~

One of my favorites was a beautifully knit Aran sweater ~~

Here are the close ups of the pattern ~~

It was positively lovely!  Even the buttons were chosen carefully ~~

The same woman knit this beautiful blanket, too ~~

Here's the only shot I got of Diane's quilt for her grandbaby.  Unfortunately the lighting in that room was pretty poor and I'm not smart enough to take better pictures...

Here's a side view of baby Tristan ~~

There were several moments when Andrea looked VERY uncomfortable.  Like ready to pop uncomfortable.  Her intent is to have a water birth but she's ok with an Epidural if things don't work out.  Always good to have Plan B.

This is what grandma to be looks like when she realizes her baby has an 'outtie'.

And I'll leave you with a few shots of the yummy desserts, prepared by Holiday Market in Royal Oak.

And here was my selection (ok, it was my second visit to the table -- I knew Aileen would tell on me!)


  1. Nice--sorry I missed it! But who knitted the Aran sweater & blanket? anyone we know? VERY nice; such beautiful work! Between that & the sweaters you & I made, that is going to be one finely dressed baby!

  2. Not sure who the knitter was - she was a friend of Diane's. We should see if she wants to join BSKG!


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