Sunday, August 16, 2009

Toasty Sunday

Today was a very hot and muggy day. Not my favorite kind of weather at all. I just wilt. Mostly I just stay inside where the air conditioning renders the environment comfortable.

I addressed about 30 postcards to advertise my upcoming shows and have plenty more to get out in the next couple of days. We'll see if they pay off.

I went to Ferndale this afternoon to catch the Beehive hairdo contest, part of the Dream Cruise weekend festivities.

Here are a few of the contestants:

and my personal favorite ~~

and a view from behind (notice her checking the progress in the mirror?)

So much hairspray!! And I thought I used a lot for the funeral...

Several days ago I promised some hat pictures. Although I didn't do any knitting last week I do have some recently finished items to show you.

The first two are Brown Sheep Bulky multi toned yarns ~~

And here's the top of one ~~

The next hat was done in a 2x1 rib pattern and I used Rowan Purelife British Sheep Breeds wool yarn. There are four possible sheep used for this brand of yarn: Black Welsh, Suffolk, Blue-faced Leicester, and Jacob. Each is a natural colored yarn. In this case the wool was from a Suffolk sheep and is a steel grey color. The other hat (which I do not have a pic for right now, sorry) was done using Jacob sheep in a medium brown. Of the two yarns, I preferred working with the Jacob because it was softer. However, I did wash both hats with mild shampoo in the sink and each hat softened up quite a bit. Here's the grey hat ~~

and it's crown ~~

I have a pile of purses that need finishing work before next Saturday. Oh boy.

I went grocery shopping and picked up fixings for a grand supper. Sirloin Steak, potatoes, fresh mushrooms, wine. Delicious start. However, Kevin couldn't enjoy the meal because he had to run out the door to catch his ride to the AC/DC concert tonight. So I just enjoyed the meal by myself and watched Maggie as she begged for ANY morsel (no such luck).

I talked to my Mom and it sounds like she had a busy day, with several people stopping by. With the work week beginning tomorrow, I expect the visits to drop off and she will begin to get used to her new life. So will the rest of us.

1 comment:

  1. Cool Behives!! Love the colors of the hats anthe yarn looks very soft.


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