Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

I'm starting something new here today. I'll list 10 things on Tuesdays. The list could be 10 anything.

Today's list includes 10 things I need to accomplish before the end of the month:

  1. Complete finish work on the felted bags and hats I've made so they're ready for show season
  2. Sketch out tent displays for my shows.
  3. Knit more items, felted and not.
  4. Finish Holly & Mike's wedding rug
  5. Organize craft room, again
  6. Take trip to Torch Lake and Michigan Fiber Festival next week
  7. Update website with August show information
  8. Seriously weed the flower beds (see yesterday's post)
  9. Visit Mom & Dad weekly
  10. Get to the gym 4 times a week (been slacking since groin injury)

We'll see how much I can get done before next Tuesday!

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