Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Piling it on

Do you ever feel like if just one more problem is thrown at you, you'll implode?

Still woozy from Dad's death it seems like everywhere I turn there's trouble. First it was computer problems (both at work and home), then a rock flew out of a landscaping truck on the expressway and hit my windshield, then the dryer that was repaired less than two weeks ago started spewing plastic pieces when Kevin was trying to dry a load of clothes yesterday.

Today, while on the phone talking to my Mom about her edema problems, Maggie seemed to have some sort of seizure where she couldn't walk or stand. Good God. She recovered quickly so I'm hoping it was just some sort of Charley horse.

I'm stressing because I have so much work to do to prepare for my first show of the season. Dad's death really threw me off. I'm going in a million directions, trying to decide what to tackle first. Today I finished putting magnetic snaps on a bag that hadn't sold last year. I used a technique that was new to me -- taking plastic canvas, covering it in yarn and attaching the magnetic snap. I then sewed it to the inside of the bag and now it has a snug closure. I'm going to repeat that on several bags that need closures. I have plenty of straps and buttons to sew on, too. I picked up the purple rat tail at Haberman's today that I need to attach the hang tags to my new items. I'll assemble those tomorrow. Time to make a 'to-do' list before I lose my mind!

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of sad there's no friend with a broken leg in your blog, but then blogs are ALL about the person writing them, aren't they? Someone suggested I should do one while laid up...hmm...then it could be all about ME!


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