Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm Back

I was doing so well at posting every day. What happened? It's not like I don't have something to say!

Yesterday was knit group at Panera and I kept to myself. I ate the yummy mozzarella/tomato/basil sandwich and chips at my booth and never really joined in with the others. I was waiting for Sue to join me so we could talk about her upcoming trip to France and Italy. I live vicariously through my friends and family who get to travel to places I long to visit. Someday.............................

I started taking the bus again today -- too many miles on my leased T&C. I finished knitting the variegated teal bag that I started Sunday -- I still need to make the pocket and handles, though.

Next up, the same bag in purples. Easy knitting on the bus -- no thinking required and with jumbo size 15 needles, it goes really quickly.

Here is one of the hanging pots sans hangers that I placed in my terracotta pots near my front porch.

Do you ever buy anything just because it pretty? Without knowing just exactly what it is? Well that's the case here. I haven't a clue what this is -- some sort of begonia maybe???

Here's a close up if you need help ~~

And while I was shooting this unknown flower I decided to take a couple of shots of my Speedwell. Attached to one stem was a bee -- which I initially feared since I'm not particularly fond of bee stings. But after getting off about 10 shots I came to believe this bee was drunk with nectar -- it never moved. Wish my shot could have been better but I was trying to steady myself in the flower bed, quite unsuccessfully.

Ok, maybe it's actually dead but I like the drunk theory better.


  1. The potted plant is a New Guinea Impatients.
    Love them myself.


  2. I knew you'd come through for me Harriet! Now, what about that bee?????


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