Saturday, July 18, 2009

Chilly Saturday

What happened to Summer?? Today it barely broke 70º, spit rain and was cloudy much of the day.

I woke up this morning feeling a bit like I'd been run over by a truck. I spent the previous two evenings at Home Depot picking out vegetation and border for my front tree. I skipped the gym to do the yard work and it made me stiff and achy all over. I did get some pretty good buys at HD, though. I picked out Delphiniums (2 pots for $10), English Lavender and Coneflowers ($7.88 a pot), and a Japanese groundcover that I cannot recall the particular name.

The next door neighbor and Maggie don't get along much. Ok, not at all. Maggie takes off toward the fence as if there's venom spewing from her mouth. It's pretty embarrassing. The corner of the yard where I could plant something is usually destroyed by Maggie, staking her claim. But no more. I weeded, dug out the dumb indoor plants we were sold as outdoor plants (not listening to that guy at English Gardens ever again), and planted the Delphiniums, English Lavender, and Coneflowers. It's actually looking pretty slick, if I do say so myself.

(notice the flower stem on the right from my Lamb's Ears?)

(free from bees for a short time)

(one of my absolute FAVORITE scents, for sure)

And finally the only plants that had been existing in the bed previous to Wednesday ~~

Malva -- which thrives all over my yard and I do mean all over

And the aforementioned Lamb's Ears ~~

Gardening is said to be very therapeutic and I have to agree, aches aside. I love digging and mashing and working with the soil. It gives me lots of time to think and rationalize all that is going on in my life.

Now most everyone I know is crabbing about the chilly weather but I have to say I'm enjoying it. I enjoy not sweating. I enjoy not having to run the air conditioner. If it stayed in the 70s all summer I'd be happy.

Today I took inventory of all of my products for the upcoming show season. I think I'm in pretty good shape. I know what I need to knit up before my shows start. I am considering adding a show in August but need to boost my stock before then so that I'll have enough for the final two shows. I hate being short of items and then knitting my arms into tendonitis to get caught up. I've got quite a few purses that need closures, and pockets and handles sewn on. Lots of busy work. Tomorrow I've got to make a golf club head cover for a coworker. I'll post pics tomorrow. Can hardly wait -- I love working without a pattern. Yippee.

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