Sunday, June 14, 2009

Life's a holiday on....

...Primrose Lane. Years and years ago that was a theme song to a TV program. If you're not old enough, look it up!

My Primroses were bursting with blooms so I had to take a few shots of them last weekend.

I know it's been a few days since I lasted blogged (thank you Eddie for checking on me today!). Nothing wrong, just busy and then yesterday I was having photo issues. Every once in a while I save the uploaded pictures to the wrong folder and then spend exasperating moments trying to track them down.

Last Thursday was the final quilt guild meeting of the 2008-9 year so there was a lot going on. I arrived early to help Carol with the potluck set up. Here are a couple of tables overflowing with food, especially the dessert tables.

It comes as no surprise that quilters also love to eat! It's a guaranteed calorie overload.

It was a super busy night. Our president Joyce received her President's Quilt, made by members of the guild. She has a fondness for Scottie dogs, even though she doesn't own one.

Plus she loves scrappy quilts so this was an excellent design for Joyce.

We also picked the winning ticket for our raffle quilt. The humor of the giveaway came from the gal turning the big drum of ticket stubs. She turned and turned and turned the drum. When the president stuck in her hand to draw the winning ticket, it was Cindy -- the drum turner!

This quilt was made by our Chicken group for the guild to use as a fundraiser. It raised over $2600 for our guild programs!

During Show and Tell I showed Carla's quilt, complete with the binding but still needing a label. I have to get that on before Holly's wedding.

Friday was a bit slow at work so I took a half day. I really wanted to nail down my wrap for the wedding -- little things like that were causing me to wake up too early each day. I tried an upscale resale shop in Royal Oak but they only had ponchos with fringe -- not for me. I headed over to Haberman Fabrics, known for their couture fabrics and bridal gown room. They didn't disappoint. I found a fabulous gray sheer fabric with metallic sparkles that looked great against their purple fabrics, the color of my dress. I bought enough to make a rectangular wrap and decided to make an evening bag with the leftover fabric.

I started cutting out the pattern during the Red Wings last game of the Stanley Cup playoffs. Big mistake. I kept getting madder and madder and eventually accidentally marked my Statue of Liberty t-shirt with my Sharpie! Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhh. After their loss, I was in official mourning for the weekend.

Saturday I skipped the gym and started working on the bag. I added a pocket and magnetic snap and a ruffle to the pattern and ended up with this sweet little bag. I found the perfect chain for it at Munro's in Berkley today. When I took the original dumb chain I had bought back to Haberman's they would only give me store credit. Don't you just hate that!

Here's a close up of the metallic fabric that started it all. I took the piece to Eddie's Alterations and it's going to cost me $50 to put a hem in the wrap and shorten my dress for the wedding by 1 3/4". Even though I sew I didn't want to tackle either task. The fabrics are just too slippery for me! I haven't had anything altered in years so I have no idea if the prices are fair but I've seen his work and not only is it exquisite he's very quick.

Those are sparkles not pearls you see. I think it will be a wonderful complement to my dress.

Sunday I sat out in the sun, trying to brown up a few of the areas that will be exposed by my dress. There wasn't a cloud in the sky most of the afternoon so of course I got a bit pink. No worries, it will peel and be fine by the 27th. Right?

And finally another picture of one of my Gertrude Jekyll roses. They are just marvelous and smell so nice when I step out the door.

Well that just about gets me up to date. I'm off to work on the baby blanket. It's 3/4 of the way done. Phew! Pictures tomorrow.....

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