Sunday, June 28, 2009


Don't you find that when some big event culminates you have a sense of letdown? Or is it relief?

This weekend was full of activity. I love to see all of my family get together and Holly's wedding was the impetus this time.

I gave my niece Carla her quilt and she absolutely loved it. She appreciated all of the different fabric choices and the lovely quilting. And the label of course ~~

And she's taken it back to Santa Barbara today. Now....when will I find the time and $$ to go see her and the quilt's new home???

Holly's wedding was a beautiful day. I didn't take my camera to the chapel and I have some regrets about that but the professional photographer and my family took ample shots. I can't wait to see them.

I expected to bawl my eyes out at the wedding. Didn't happen. I think the only reason was I refused to make eye contact with anyone. Ok, maybe with Holly and Mike, but that's it. I bolted up the aisle on Mike's father's left arm, his wife on the other arm, and she and I lit the tapers at the unity candle table. Phew! Didn't trip -- long dress, 3" heels, squishy carpeting -- usually a bad combination for me!

Once I sat down my knees began to quiver. As we stood to watch the bride, Holly looked beautiful coming up the aisle on her dad's arm. The wedding ceremony was over in less than 15 minutes (that comes into play later..)

At the reception I sat at the table directly in front of the bridal party table. Holly's matron of honor Daminica, gave a sweet toast

and she was followed by Mike's dad.

Remember the short ceremony?? Well, we're quite certain that Larry's toast was longer than that!

Holly was radiant (don't all moms think that about their daughters, though?) ~~

and she and Mike really enjoyed their evening ~~

as did their good friends Frank and Daminica ~~

Doesn't the jewelry that Holly designed for Daminica look fabulous!! You can see it a bit in the earlier picture of her too.

We were all dancing fools, especially Kevin who did the Gator with several of the guys -- you'd have to see it to believe it!

My feet were so sore at the end of the night. I didn't dare take my shoes off for fear I'd never get them back on. I'm paying for it today!

After breakfast and a bit of visiting with my sister Denise's family we parted ways and Kevin and I headed over to Holly & Mike's apartment to take them to the airport. A bit hungover and definitely tired, they were both very excited to get to Alaska.

Here they are at Metro Airport, toting the luggage my parents gave them for the bridal shower ~~

They look so darn happy and in love ~~

I've been tracking their plane's progress on three different websites and it looks like they'll be arriving a bit earlier than anticipated. I'm so excited for them to get there -- I know Mike is going to love it there. He said today that he might consider a buy out from Ford next time it's offered............

ETA -- Looks like they landed at 9:41 PM -- about a half hour early. That's only 5:41 their time so they have about 6 HOURS of daylight left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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