Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hotter than....

...the Dickens! Today it was 92º with humidity to match. I'm not a fan of heat like this. I wilt. My hair looks like it's been permed. I took a half day off work to help Kevin find a car. Yesterday, as he so skillfully puts it, his car took a dump. Right on Woodward Avenue, a main road around here. Turns out he's blown a cylinder and there's no fixing it this time.

I turned to Craig's List to help locate a prospective vehicle. You should have seen his face light up when I found his exact car in excellent condition. He was positively geeked. I'm afraid, though, that it's probably already been sold so we'll be back to square one tomorrow.

With all of the wedding activities it's not exactly a good time to be shopping for a car but it always seems to be a 'hurry up and buy' thing anyway.

Tomorrow is the wedding rehearsal. Not sure yet if I'll try to make it to the gym. Kevin and I will drive up after work. I'll be glad to have him with me actually. I think I'll be able to focus on other things and maybe I won't get so emotional. Hard to believe the wedding is only 3 days away.

The baby blanket is done -- just need to bind off, bury the ends, and block it. I made the label for Carla's quilt yesterday so on Friday I'll set the ink and sew it to the back of the quilt.

Today at work, three of my coworkers brought in jewelry for me to audition for the wedding -- so nice! I found several pieces that work well but my manager insisted on bringing in a few more pieces tomorrow. I really appreciate the way they try to help polish me off!

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