Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Today I switched my bed from winter to summer mode. I laundered the sheets, wool blanket and the comforter. The blanket went back into the linen closet and the two-sided comforter was switched over to the colorful side. I always enjoy sleeping in my bed after I've made the seasonal change.

Making my bed is a lot like a wrestling match, though. Getting that fitted sheet to stay put on at all four corners wears me out! I keep thinking I need to switch to a day bed instead of my queen bed. But then I think.....where would I store all the things that wind up on the bed, against the wall? I need a big trash bag to sort through everything that makes its way into the piles. I'm always rediscovering treasures I had forgotten I even had. The next time I tidy up I'll take before and after pictures. Maybe that will shame me into not repeating this bad habit.

Besides laundry, today I sat in the sun for a bit, trying to even out the tanned/burned areas. No more sun until after the wedding. I listened to the Tigers' game and they won so it was a good game. My next door neighbor sat outside today (first time following her double mastectomy on Wednesday) and our neighbor, a massage therapist, gave her a facial. I thought that was such a kind gesture.

I drove out to see my parents this afternoon and brought them dinner from Boston Market. Actually, it turned out that it will probably be enough to feed them for several days. Both Mom and Dad seemed to be good. Mom was over her flu and Dad seemed 'with it'. I tried to figure out how to use the portable oxygen tank that Dad will use for Holly's wedding. Note to self: do not turn the valve opener until the unit is READY for use. The thing leaked oxygen like mad until I could get the valve closed. It was insane and my parents laughed hysterically!

I've always been one to say 'hmm, wonder how this works'.

Lastly I stopped to see my friend Kate, who had surgery Thursday for breast cancer. She's doing remarkably well -- I think I'd still be in bed myself. She's got her knitting projects lined up for the three weeks she expects to be off work. I'm hoping her pathology reports come back better than expected. Go Kate, go Kate, go, go, go Kate!

I'm off to bed. I need to bank some zzz's since this week will no doubt be a week of restless sleep. Plus, it's that 'time of the month' -- perfect timing, eh?

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