Sunday, May 17, 2009

Holly's Bridal Shower

Well this has been quite a day. Holly and Mike had the most wonderful bridal shower designed and executed by my sister Denise, who happens to also be Holly's godmother. Holly couldn't be luckier.

I actually slept well last night, after my sleep deprived night before. Don't you ever wonder how your body gets caught up? I once went to a sleep doctor who, after studying me, decided I needed 7 hours of sleep to be fully rested. He also suggested that I go to bed each night at 10:30 PM so I can get up at 5:30 AM each day. Yep, Saturdays and Sundays too. I thought that was a lot of hooey, except for the part where I need 7 hours of sleep. He also told me to cut out wine or at the very least limit it to 2 ounces each night. Ok, that's when I knew we were done.

My day began with a wake up call from my sister Renee (faithful blog reader -- thank you!), making sure I didn't over-sleep. After a quick shower I dressed in my new outfit and headed over to the restaurant to help set up the shower.

There were 50 guests at Holly's shower today. I met some guests but many I did not. I'm ok with that. I scarcely remember the names of those I did meet. Two of the most important people today were Mike's parents, Bonnie and Larry. Both were lovely and they brought me a floral bouquet, extra credit points there. I look forward to getting to know them. I also unknowingly met my ex's girlfriend, as I searched out the location of one of her gifts to set the second one beside. My outlaws were just as I remembered them: self absorbed and a reminder of why I don't miss being married to Holly's dad -- AT ALL.

Holly and Mike received many, many nice, practical gifts. My sister Denise made sure every detail was attended to. Amazing that nothing was amiss. Kevin sat with my father so my mother could attend the shower. He took Maggie with him to entertain my Dad while they watched whatever sports happened to be on TV. Always good to have a sidekick.

I won't bore you with loads of pictures but here are a few that I thought you'd like to see ~~

A fabulous cutting board that my BIL Mike made:

Super cute cookie bouquet from Mike's parents :

One of Denise's games, Holly Bingo:

And a swell picture of me with my daughter and sister:

I have never really been comfortable having my picture taken.

Holly examines one of my bathroom accessory gifts ~~

Nice shot of my sisters, nieces, Mom, Holly and me ~~

and lastly, Holly and her two 'Moms' ~~

I hope her mother in law is everything mine was not, and more.


  1. You didn't show us your shoes! Lime green?

  2. Oh, no, no, no. I went far too practical. I chose some black strappy wedgies. Maybe I'll post a picture later. Should have thought of that!


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