Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day three of plumbing woes

I woke up this morning and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. My Japanese Red Maple is filling out nicely and my Bleeding Hearts are in bloom (finally) at the trunk base.

There's just something about plumbing issues -- they are NEVER done and over with on the first try and always involve at least three visits to the hardware store. Or two visits from the plumber. Now Brian the plumber said he'd be here this morning between 8:30 am and 9 am. Good thing I had my knitting to keep me busy and not annoyed when he actually appeared at 10:40 am. He assessed the situation and decided to swap out the chrome J pipe for a plastic version. While it took him several tries to squash the leaking, it appears, at least for tonight, that I have a dry pipe. No charge for today's return visit -- that's a blessing.

I Skyped my niece Carla in California today. Her new job is going well and keeping her very busy and she has finally found a more permanent home than the Extended Stay Motel she's been living in since early February. It will have an extra bedroom for guests and an open invitation to visit whenever I can. Carla is so cute -- she said she thinks there are some yarn shops nearby. I said great but what about the wineries??? Oh, those too, she said.

I headed out to Right off the Sheep, as I normally do on Sundays, to knit with the ladies but the shop was closed. :( Undaunted, I went the Shain Park in Birmingham, picked out a bench under a shade tree and began knitting. It's always interesting watching children interact with each other and with their parents. I don't miss the whining and crying at all.

From there I drove out to see my parents, yes still together in the same apartment, since my dad's rescue from the 'home'. We're hoping they won't have to pay for another month's rent ($4000) for the 'home' since they didn't actually give them the required 30 day notice. I took several items to felt with me including the two bags below. The pink and green bag is the Holly Tote and while I like it, the handles as made per the pattern are much too wimpy for such a big bag. I'll have to make another set, using two strands instead of just one.

and a close up of the colors...

The Holly Tote is actually stuffed with a big box of baking soda (with a plastic grocery bag around it to keep it dry!) to help shape it.

The other bag I felted today is my striped handbag. I really like the way this one turned out and the handles are definitely sturdy enough

and a close up of the striping.....

and here's how I stuffed it with bath towels to both shape it and absorb the moisture:

I very nearly finished another Holly Tote. I just need to knit up the handles now.

Today's D.D.D. (dumb driver of the day) award goes out to two imbeciles riding crotch rockets on southbound I-75 going well over 90 MPH, probably closer to 100 MPH. I thought they were so dangerous I actually called 911 and spoke to a Michigan State Police dispatcher. Hope they got caught before someone got hurt.

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