Saturday, May 9, 2009

Completion Issues

Update from yesterday's blog:
  • No, I didn't start work on the dip tube replacement. I did look up some information on doing the deed on the internet -- does that count for 'research'?
  • Raining still when I got up, so no gym today. I did hoist Kevin's 20 pound dumbbells -- does that count for a 'workout'?
  • I didn't work on the back flower beds but I did pull wayward grass from the sidewalk out front.
  • I didn't work on Holly & Mike's rug but I did bring it in from the car where it's normally stored (I know, that makes little sense except to say it's a space issue)
  • Didn't touch the parrot blocks, maybe later this week?
  • Finished one more bag but need to knit the handles and pocket still. On another note, I did find the yarn I need to knit a second bag for a customer from NYC to give to her friend in Denmark -- bet you didn't know I'm international!
  • Did not find a nice outfit to wear to Holly's shower next weekend. I'll have to shop in person since the Macy's website was no help.
  • I DID get my hair cut and colored by my barber Kyle -- wonder if he'd prefer 'hair stylist'? He works at the Berkley Chop Shop and has been doing my hair for about 2 years now. By all comparisons at the yarn shop today, he is supremely reasonable at $55. But then again, it is a barber shop -- mostly male clientele, many with wild tattoos they need to compare. I was actually proactive today -- I booked my appointment for the week before Holly's wedding and the day of where Kyle will surely make me look my best.

I had forgotten that this weekend is the big art fair in Birmingham. It's always held on Mother's Day weekend in Shain Park. I headed over there after my haircut to see if my ceramist friend, Marcia Hovland, was there. And she was.

I love her work -- it's whimsical, clean, and happy. Here are a few of her pieces:

Here are a couple of shots that are a bit better of Marcia and her work.

And finally, a pair of earrings that exemplify her beliefs:

She often incorporates peace signs into the buttons that I buy from her. I picked up four more buttons today but I'll have to wait until tomorrow to show you those, since they're in the bottom of my purse right now.

I left the art fair and had a yummy Lake Superior Perch dinner at Toast in Birmingham and then snapped a few photos on the way back to the parking structure to head for home.

For all my Chicken friends, I found this apron in the window of a nearby shop:

Could be a must-have item.

This art piece is in front of the Birmingham Police Department:

It really looked amazing with the sunshine today.

These flowers were in front of the cafe seating at the Townsend Hotel, where all the big shots stay when they're in town.

And finally, this odd piece of art is in front of the parking deck:

Last but not least, I popped open the cork on this bottle of Chardonnay. I have to admit it is my first bottle of Chardonnay ever (long story about former in-law loving it, so I figured I hated it) and I bought it because of the label. I know, I know -- not a good reason to buy a bottle of wine.

But who could argue with a name like 'Happy Face' Chardonnay?? I did actually like it too. Just don't tell my former sister-in-law.

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